Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Crude Doormats: A Step Too Far?

There are doormats with funny or witty slogans, images and fun themes that make visitors smile, but do some rude or even crude doormats go too far? That's the question this post makes as it takes a look at some of the designs that are pushing the boundaries of what is welcoming and humorous and what might be viewed as unacceptable.

It's one thing to be greeted with the kind of tongue-in-cheek doormat slogan that says something like "Oh no, not YOU again!" It's another thing entirely to be greeted by an offensive slogan that might poke fun at certain physical traits, for instance: "Oh no, not the FAT UGLY guy again!" or something to that effect.

What is Acceptable?

I guess what might or might not be considered acceptable depends on the person on the receiving end of the joke. Everyone has a certain threshold for what they consider to be acceptable or not.

Some may shrug off a really offensive message as little more than silliness gone a little further than necessary. Others may find the same message to be excessively vulgar or even extremely offensive to them.


The thing with inanimate objects such as doormats is they offer their message, slogan or witty joke to every caller equally, without discriminating or trying to be personal. This is probably the major stumbling block for anyone who might be considering placing a mat with a very crude message at their doorstep.

While the intent may be to make certain of their guests laugh uncontrollably at what they consider to be a real howler of a joke, it can backfire if another caller is more easily offended. To be in a position to offend no-one, the homeowner must choose their welcome mat wisely and carefully.

So if you're thinking about getting a doormat with a really crude message printed on it because you know your friends will think it's funny, remember you should also consider what your mom, granny, or for that matter the local clergyman might think of it.

If you cam put your hand on you heart and say with honesty that you think it would make your mom, granny and anyone else for that matter laugh, then its probably OK. But if you're not so sure about that, you might want to re-think the kind of message you want your visitors to be greeted with the next time they come calling at your home.

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